About JPG Magazine:
JPG Magazine is for people who love imagemaking without attitude. It's about the kind of photography you get when you love the moment more than the camera. It's for photographers who, like us, have found themselves online, sharing their work, and would like to see that work in print.
JPG is a magazine. It's published 6 times a year by 8020 Publishing and distributed nationally. You can pick up a subscription or find it in US bookstores like Borders and Barnes and Noble. Everything in the magazine comes from you!
JPG is a website. Here any photographer can join and upload photos and stories to their member page. You can also submit your work for consideration in the magazine.
JPG is a community. JPG exists because of, and exclusively for, photographers like you. Without you, we're nothing.
Who We Are
Paul Cloutier
Editor, Publisher, Raconteur
Devin Poolman
Business Director, Bridge Shark
Jason DeFillippo
Potted Meat Product, Zombie Hunter
Devin Hayes
Senior Engineer, B-Movie Extra
Laura Brunow Miner
Design Director, Space Miner
Rannie Balias
Designer, Aretha Franklin Wannabe
Jason Schupp
Web Developer of Ogre-Slaying (+9 against Ogres)
Christi Ginger
Marketing Associate, Verifier of Verbs
And, of course, YOU!
JPG is not just another photo sharing site - it's a community that's come together to create a photography magazine.
Here at JPG, we're all about "imagemaking without attitude." That means we want JPG to be a positive experience for everyone. This isn't about photo snobbery or pixel wanking. It's just about the joy of photography.
If you love photography like we do, welcome. But if you're looking to have yet another fight about film vs. digital, or confrontational critique, that's not really what we do here.
We're also about mostly unmodified photos. That means we do not accept photos that have been overly Photoshopped. No fake borders, digitally-added text, or cutouts. Adjustments to color and sharpness are just fine, of course. Just keep it real, baby. Here's a handy rule: If anything has been digitally added or removed (well, besides dust), it's probably not right for JPG.
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