The younger Filipinos regularly use this word to describe themselves while the older generation has learned to accept it. Filipinos take pride in having this trait. It identifies them to being able to get what they set their eyes on. Like a used car salesman, a kulit person will not take no for an answer. They will try the frontal assault and if that doesn’t work in getting what they want, they sneak around the corner in a sideways sweeping motion hoping to scoop up that objective of theirs. If that does not work, they will resort to drama like tears and act like their feelings have been hurt. Almost like an onslaught of rain and/or fire towards the person whom they want something from. Lord have mercy on an individual who is the victim of a kulit person. Ha ha ha!
Scenarios normally involve children who want something from their parents, girlfriends trying to convince boyfriends to sing karaoke, and wives persuading husbands to buy her something like a new car or a better house. It can also involve guys who want something from their better halves. Could be more sex or their favorite dish on the table. With some guys, sex on the table. Ha ha ha! Funny but think of the different scenarios. It takes a persistent person to recognize no as a yes.
A shaking of the head as a nod. And profanity as an excuse to act hurt and ultimately get what they want. Like the saying goes, “There are more than one ways to skin a cat!”. Never realized how perverted that cliché was until now… hmmm.
When the victim initially says no, the kulit person will not blink an eye. The first technique would be to argue and whine until the victim gives in. Now, if the victim is the stubborn type, the kulit person will wait a while after the initial no then try to catch the victim in a better mood. Maybe then the answer will be yes. If not, the kulit person will try to sneak around an present the request in a different way. Worse comes to the worse, the kulit person will revert to drama then blackmail. Remember that ex-beau you had who recently tried to contact you? That can be used as ammo for the kulit person to get what they want from you. Yes, it can get brutal..
The best way to deal with a kulit person is trade with them. Tell them yes on the condition that they will return the favor to you. That they owe you. Get a receipt if you have to. But sad to say, kulit people have to handled with a flexible but iron hand. Use it to your advantage. That kid who wants to go out tonight can go as long as they mow the lawn tomorrow. That husband who wants to play poker with the guys can do so as long as he goes shopping with you the next day (and pay for that new sweater). Remember that a kulit person is like an addict that’s got to have it. They are willing to do anything to get it. Use that to your advantage and post that “I got you this time” grin on your face.
Filipinos are achievers. They have this kulitness that get them what they want. From small things like Ipods and cell phones to bigger things like a Lexus and a bigger house, the objective is ultimately reached. Because of this trait, I guarantee that the Pinoys (and especially, the Pinays) will flourish and languish in success all over the globe. Stay with it and stick with it! Kulit ka ba?
By John Lacson