NAFVE Recognizes Veterans Day and Joins Congressmembers In Support for Filipino Veterans Equity Act
Washington, DC- In anticipation of Veterans Day on November 11, members of the United States House of Representatives are making remarks on the floor of the U.S. Capitol in solidarity with the Filipino World War II Veterans. With the legislative session preparing to wind down for the end of the year, members of Congress are pushing hard for passage of the Filipino Veterans Equity Act. NAFVE joins the growing chorus of voices on Capitol Hill and around the country this weekend calling for passage of this important bill.
On November 7, Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) and Rep. Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) gave speeches in support of the bill on the Floor of the House of Representatives. Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) also submitted prepared remarks to the Congressional Record (an "extension of remarks") calling for passage of the bill. On November 8, Guam Delegate. Madeline Z. Bordallo (D-GU) followed suit and spoke on behalf of the bill. The comments from these members are included below.
Commenting on this recent activity, Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono said, "I wanted to remind my colleagues in the House that when we honor America's veterans next week, we must also remember the service and sacrifice of the Filipino veterans of World War II, and of America's still unfulfilled promise to them. In addition to being a strong supporter of equity for Filipino veterans, I have introduced the Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act ( H.R. 1287) to provide for the expedited reunification of their families. I am proud that CAPAC has made justice for Filipino veterans a high priority."
"NAFVE is proud to stand in solidarity with the members of Congress in calling for swift passage of the Filipino Veterans Equity Act," said Jon Melegrito, NAFVE Co-Chair. "Veterans Day is the perfect time to make sure that we recognize ALL of those who served our country in times of war. By passing this bill, we will allow the Filipino soldiers to take their rightful place side-by-side with all the other members of the 'Greatest Generation.'"
NAFVE represents over 20 local, national and international organizations committed to securing full equity for Filipino World War II Veterans. More information about NAFVE and the Filipino Veterans Equity Act is available on the NAFVE Web site: www.nafve.org.
(Submitted by Perry Diaz at PerryDiaz@gmail.com)