Los Angeles: After Apple's "iphone" revolutionary but controversial debut a few months back, there is a lot of whispers heard on the phone pc mobile world that Google (which by the way Google denied before) is finally ready to announce the "Google Phone" Monday November 5, 2007 and the software might be out as early as second quarter of 2008.

Apple's "iPhone" (named by Time magazine "Invention of the Year")is a revolutionary new mobile phone that allows users to call by simply tapping a name or number in an address book, a favorite list, or a call log. It also automatically synchronizes the user's contacts from a PC, Mac, or Internet Service like Yahoo. It even lets you select and listen to voicemail in whatever order you want - just like email. It captures images with its 2 megapixel built in camera which can be posted to a Mac Web Gallery. It's also a full blown IPOD complete with video. It sports a controversial missing keyboard - in favor of a virtual keyboard on a high resolution screen. It connects to the internet thru WIFI or ATT Cingular's EDGE technology.
The "Google Phone" though, is not a phone, but a software. It will be bundled up with either Verizon or T-Mobile (Talks are still underway) but it will turn the whole pc-phone revolution 180 degrees. After a brief repose from posting all things iPhone, our tips inbox was brimming — brimming, I say! — with news of the gPhone. Or gPhones. Or whatever Google is going to call it when it makes its announcement Monday. Yes, it’s coming. No, we’re not sure what it is. Yes, we’re excited about it.
Word on the street, though, is that gPhone will actually be a platform carriers and handset makers can add to their phones. By having its widgets on a variety of mobiles with no restrictions from carriers means that phone-to-phone or phone-to-PC tasks get much easier. Standardization is a good thing.
We’re also hearing rumors that gPhone will be ad-supported. The good: lower phone bills for gPhone users. The bad: ads before phone calls or in txt msgs. With gPhone, you can search the internet thru the google mobile search platform.
The Goog does a good job of keeping ads at a tolerable level, let’s hope that continues into our pockets. Hmmmm, finally I can probably live up with the ads and lower my internet everwhere bill and keep a cellphone all in one.
I can't wait till Monday.....If it happens. Stay tuned.
(Jay Fermin ppp-usa)