Listed are the contact numbers for help and assistance about issues concerning the Southern California wildfires.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) 800-621-FEMA, option 3
California Department of Insurance Hotline 800-927-HELP
Red Cross 866-GET-INFO
San Diego Fire and Evacuation Info 619-570-1070
Los Angeles Co. Dept of Mental Heath Hotline 800-854-7771
Other County Numbers:
Orange County PIO 714-628-7085
Orange County Media 714-573-6200
Ventura 805-388-4276
Los Angeles 800-980-4990
San Bernardino County
Info Line
USFS 909-355-8800
San Diego 211 or cell users
Santa Barbara 805-961-5770 or
Riverside 951-940-6985

FEMA Command and Control in Pasadena has mushroomed to a couple dozen vehicles and a string of tents in front of the FEMA building in Pasadena. Personnel from all branch of armed services including Army, Navy and Marines, and Air Force as well as Federal Agencies including the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms), FBI, and others are coordinating disasater recovery efforts from Pasadena to all of Southern California.