Sacramento for Democracy is proud to be a Co-Chair of the
6th Annual Asian Pacific Islanders 2007 Voters Education Forum
APAPA is saving 50 seats for Sacramento for Democracy members. If you would like to reserve a FREE SEAT to this excellent event, please RSVP here:
This is going to be a HUGE event with nearly 2,000 people in attendance! The Presidential candidates have been invited to this event. We will update you as they confirm their attendance. A partial confirmed attendee list is below.
This fully educational and non-partisan event will include special debate panels on Health Care and Immigration.
Event: 2007 Voters Education Forum
Date: October 28, 2007
Time: 2pm to 3pm - General Reception
3pm to 5pm - Education Forum, Speech and Debates by candidates (Presidential candidates, Congressional candidates, State and Local candidates from Greater Sacramento area, Bay Area, Yolo, and San Joaquin counties)
5pm to 6pm - VIP reception (invitation only)
Place: Sacramento State University Student Union, 1,800 capacity
Admission: FREE