The furor over a slur uttered against Philippine medical schools on the premier episode of the fourth season of the American TV show “Desperate Housewives” has prompted a response from Malacañang Palace.
Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said the TV show belittled the abilities of Filipino doctors and sent a message that Philippine medical schools produced “substandard, inferior” medical practitioners.
The offending remark was made by one of the show’s desperate housewives, Susan Mayer (played by American actress Teri Hatcher). In one scene Mayer asks for the credentials of the gynecologist who examined her and told her that she was approaching menopause.
Mayer said, “Can I check those diplomas ‘coz I just want to make sure that they’re not from some med school in the Philippines.” The premiere episode, which has been posted on YouTube.com, drew criticisms from the Filipino community on the Internet.
Senator Rodolfo Biazon meanwhile has proposed a ban on the popular TV series. Biazon, who chairs the Senate Committee on National Defense and Security, said he doesn’t watch the show himself but pointed out that a ban on the show or a boycott by Filipino viewers are possible responses.
Earlier, Philippine Health Secretary Francisco Duque said the slur will tarnish the good image of Filipino doctors in the international community. He added that the slur was both irresponsible and without basis.
The Philippine Consulate in New York has said it will send a letter of protest to ABC Network and ask for an apology for the slur. The move came after the consulate office received complaints from the Filipino community, particularly health workers, in the US about the show.
Office of the Executive Secretary
Profile :: The Honorable EDUARDO R. ERMITA
Tel.# 735-5334
Fax# 7361076
Email address: erermita@op.gov.ph