October 28, 2007; 1000 Hours
Warmer weather is expected for the extreme Southwestern California including Orange, San Diego, Western Riverside and Southwestern San Bernardino Counties Sunday along with east winds from 15 to 20 mph through the favored passes with peak gusts to 30 mph. This will not be a strong or widespread wind event. Maximum temperatures will climb into the mid 70s at the coast, the 80s just inland from the coast and the low 90s in the valleys. Mountains and deserts will also be 5 to 10 degrees above average. Cooler temperatures are expected Monday and by Tuesday the clouds will shroud coastal and valley areas. It will be much cooler with areas of drizzle west of the mountains and gusty west winds in the mountains and deserts. The next weekend is forecast for a large upper ridge over the eastern pacific and western third of the nation; possibly setting up a Santa Ana type flow pattern.
Local Proclamations: Ventura County, San Diego County, Orange County, City of Irvine, Orange County, Los Angeles County, City of Banning, and the City of San Jacinto. The San Diego County proclamation was made by the County Chief Administrative Officer and subsequently ratified by the Board of Supervisors on October 24, 2007. Riverside County has requested an amendment to the State of Emergency Proclamation and Presidential Declaration to include significant wind damage. Riverside County is continuing to gather data to support their request to OES.
Governor’s Proclamation: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Ventura due to wildfires.
Governor's Executive Order: On October 26, 2007, Governor Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order S-13-07 which took several actions to assist in the recovery from the disaster.
Presidential Declaration: Issued 10/24/07 (FEMA -1731-DR). The previous Emergency Declaration (EM 3279) issued on 10/23/07 and the eight Fire Management Assistance Grants are now included in this one Declaration. This Declaration authorizes Individual Assistance, Public Assistance, and Hazard Mitigation Grants for the declared counties. The Public Assistance program is presently limited to debris removal and emergency protective measures. Reimbursement for the repair or replacement of damaged public facilities is not authorized; this authorization will depend on the results of the initial damage assessments.
Fire Activity Summary:
There are 8 active fires in Southern California. The priority for fighting fires is: the Harris, Slide, Poomacha, Santiago, Witch, Rice, Valley, and Ammo (formerly Pendleton). The MACS level remains at Level 4 (the highest level) for Southern California. Level 4 reflects a total Geographical Area commitment or statewide effort requiring MACS activities.
Fatalities: 7
Reported Injuries: 108
Total Acres Burned to Date: 516,356
Structures Destroyed: 2,768
Structures Threatened: 14,125
Structures Damaged: 437
Fire Resources Committed:
· 1,477 Engines
· 209 Water Tenders
· 250 Hand crews
· 138 Dozers
· 13,135 personnel
Harris Incident CA-MVU-010427 San Diego County. 90,750 acres with 65% containment. There have been 32 firefighter injuries. 206 residences and 247 outbuildings destroyed. 250 residences and 2 outbuildings damaged.
Slide Incident. CA-BDF-10570 San Bernardino County. 12,789 acres with 75% containment. 201 residences and 3 outbuildings destroyed, 5,500 threatened. 12 hour threat to Crab Flats, Running Springs, Smiley Park, and Green Valley Lake.
Poomacha Incident CA-MVU-10643 San Diego County. 49,150 acres with 50% containment. 138 homes and 19 outbuildings have been destroyed. 500 homes are threatened in the communities of Mt. Palomar, Palomar Observatory, Crosley Homestead and Tibia Mountain. This fire has resulted in 18 firefighter injuries.
Santiago Incident CA-ORC-68555 Orange County. 27,900 acres with 50% containment. 15 residences and 9 outbuildings have been destroyed. 8 residences & 12 outbuildings damaged. 5 firefighter injuries.
Witch Incident CA-MVU-010432 San Diego County. 197,990 acres with 90% containment. 1,040 residences and 414 outbuildings destroyed. 70 residences and 25 outbuildings damaged. 38 firefighters have been injured.
Rice Incident CA-MVU-010502 San Diego County. 9,000 acres with 100% containment. 208 structures & 40 outbuildings destroyed. 5 firefighter injuries. Last Report
Grass Valley Incident CA-BDF-10566 San Bernardino County. Grass Valley 1,140 acres with 95% containment. 162 homes destroyed, 20 damaged. 6,000 threatened. Last Report
Ammo Incident. Pendleton CA-MCP-001111 San Diego County. 21,084 acres with 100% containment. 6 firefighter injuries. Last Report
Buckweed Incident - 38,356 acres
Cajon Incident - 250 acres
Canyon Incident - 4,500 acres
Coronado Hills Fire - 300 acres
Grant – 1 acres
Magic Incident - 2824 acres
Martin Incident - 75 acres
McCoy Incident - 300 acres
Meadowridge Incident - 20 acres
Nightsky – 35 acres
October – 100 acres
Ranch – 58,401 acres
Roca Incident - 270 acres
Rosa Incident - 411 acres
Sedgewick Incident - 710 acres
Shelter Status
Number in Shelters: 1,454 people in 18 shelters as reported by counties (includes non-Red Cross shelters). This includes 1,432 people in 13 Red Cross and Partner shelters.
Essential Facilities Activated
· Operational Area Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs): Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego and Riverside
· Southern Regional Emergency Operations Center (SREOC)
· State Operations Center (SOC)
· Joint Field Office (reports issued at 1200 and 2400): Opened 10/24/07 at Pasadena Main Phone: (626) 431-3000
Local Assistance Centers (LACs): (Updated information will be provided in each 1000 hr report)
Nine Local Assistance Centers are currently open and have reported 7,200 service visits as of close of business, October 27, 2007.
Individual Assistance Program (No changes from the previous report)
FEMA Tele-registrations: 5,706
Housing Assistance amount approved: $159,468 for 60 registrants
Housing Assistance amount disbursed: $10,776
Inspection Services (No changes from the previous report)
Inspections issued: 2,139
Inspectors on the ground: 173
In the Field: 57
San Bernardino County: Lake Arrowhead, Cedar Glen and all communities east of Crestline to Green Valley Lake and the Snow Valley Lake area. Residents were evacuated to the National Orange Show in San Bernardino, and the Victorville Fairgrounds in Victorville. Mountain Community Hospital has been advised to evacuate.
Orange County: Four areas – Silverado Canyon, Modjeska Canyon, Live Oak Canyon, and Rancho Santa Margarita (north sector).
Voluntary evacuations ordered for:
Black Mountain area NW of Santa Ysabel, including the La Jolla Indian Reservation, Rincon Reservation, San Pascual Reservation and Bear Valley, La Costa – Carlsbad area S of Palomar Airport, Near Brown Field, Oceanside – Morrow Hills
San Bernardino County: The mandatory evacuation order for Crestline has been reduced to voluntary.
Evacuation orders have been lifted for:
Fallbrook - From the Riverside County border on the north, to the northern portion of Camp Pendleton in the south and including the community of Rainbow on the east, Camp Pendleton-Southeastern region of the base, Escondido, Valley Center, Paradise Hills, Rancho Pasqual, Del Mar Heights and Carmel Valley - West of Rancho Santa Fe Farms, east of I-5, and north of Highway 56, Scripps Ranch - South of Beeler Canyon Road, west of Sycamore, east of I-15 and north of MCAS Miramar, Poway: Areas West and North of Poway Drive; and South of Twin Peaks Road East of Community Road to Tierra Bonita Road on the north and Donard Drive on the south; west of Ipava Drive; west and north of Poway Drive, Solano Beach, Chula Vista, Rancho Bernardo - West of I-15, east of I-5, north of 56 to the city limits, Carlsbad Encinitas, Olivenhain, Rancho Penasquitos - North of SR-56 to Rancho Bernardo Rd, west of I-15 to east Rancho Santa Fe Farms, San Marcos, Tierra Bonita & Twin Peaks, Serra Mesa, and the San Onofre housing complex.
Los Angeles County: All evacuations have been lifted.
Medical Facility Evacuations: Of the 1,586 patients evacuated from 26 facilities, 873 have been returned.
DONATIONS (Updated information will be provided in each 2000 hr report)
Donations Hotline number is 1-800-750-2858 and is open from 0800 to 2000. This line is dedicated for large businesses to donate bulk goods and services. Since operations began on 10/23/07, the hotline has received 683 calls and inquiries as of close of business 10/27/07. Numerous bulk donations have been captured in the Resource Information Management System (RIMS) which are being matched to Care and Shelter needs and other victim service requests. A high-level summary of large corporate donations of bulk goods to date.
A task force has been established in southern California to address the issue of fraud management during and immediately following a disaster that includes state, local and private sector representatives.
American Red Cross
Shelter numbers have decreased by 719 – down to 13 shelters from 20.
Total ARC Managed and Partner shelters: 13
Total population of ARC Managed and Partner shelters: 1,432
Debris Management
· The Cal/EPA EOC is still in operation and will remain so for at least the rest of the next week.
· A Regional MAC has been formed to manage debris removal issues. Ted Rauh, CIWMB is the lead for Cal/EPA on this MAC. This MAC will also address hazardous waste issues. Local county MACs have been formed in San Diego County, San Bernardino County, LA County and Orange County. These MACs include local jurisdictions with state representation.
· The CIWMB will send a team to San Diego on Monday to meet with the County Debris MAC to discuss what the debris management plan will look like. On Tuesday they will meet with the San Bernardino MAC to do the same.
· On Monday Don Johnson will meet with OES and FEMA at the JFO to discuss coordination of debris removal with FEMA. The primary purpose of this meeting is to reach agreement with them on what portion of the debris removal they will pay for. Next week CIWMB will begin the process to establish an office for the Regional Debris MAC in Southern California. USEPA has indicated a willingness to work closely with us on the debris removal and a formal request for their support is being developed. Their support may help to meet some of our manpower needs.
California National Guard
2,661 CNG personnel continuing to support fire suppression missions. Details provided within the State Resources Committed.