Sunday, December 30, 2007

All mailboxes and newstands are removed all throughout the parade route to secure the area.

Grandstand to Heaven at $85.00 a pop. The fun part though is camping out on the sidewalk starting noon of December 31 and braving the cold on Colorado Blvd. to wait for the New Year and the 8:00 am start of the 2008 Rose Parade on January 1st.

Float drivers will navigate their float looking down and using this pink colored line in the middle of the parade route. Look-outs are stationed on either side of the float which communicate with the driver. Huge tow trucks are stationed on every other intersection of the route just in case a float engine fails.

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Police has deputized hundreds of motorhomes along the parade route to be volunteer "eyes and ears" for public safety and to call the police on any suspicious activity.