The very pretty 20 year old Ramiele Macrowon-Malubay, a native of Miramar, Florida, who once said .... "If Jasmin can do it, I can do it!" was given three thumbs up by the American Idol judges in the February 20, 2008 episode of AI keeping her in the final 24. Ramiel established her attachment with music early at the age 12 when she sang in her cousin’s birthday. The very talented Filipina can also play the piano as well as the guitar which is being taught to her by her sister. Besides singing and playing instruments, she also did some Polynesian Dancing since she was on the first grade. She also confides that she has a vocal coach.
The “Pinay American Idol” is a huge fan of Regine Velasquez. She said that she really doesn’t want to be famous but instead, represent the Asian community especially the Filipinos in this competition where the whole world is watching. Favorite Quote: "If you're hated, you're doing something right."
Ramiele stopped nursing school for this season and promised to go back if not chosen to be the next American Idol. Fil-Ams: grab your phone and vote. AT&T Mobility subscribers can text the word 'VOTE' to the 4 digit short code numbers promoted for each contestant 2 hours after each show.
After the girls perform on the Wednesday night, you can vote for any of the girls who performed that night. You will have at least two hours after the show to cast your vote before lines close and no more voting for the girls will be accepted. Again, during the show you just need to note the number of the contestant you want to vote for, and then call or text after the show is over. At the end of those first three weeks of voting, there will be the Top 12 consisting of 6 boys and 6 girls, and voting will then only take place at the end of every Tuesday night performance show.
Ramiele Malubay's myspace profile states "I love grapes." But the comments being left at the American Idol website show that fans do love and support the Idol hopeful. Keep on Ramiele.
Jay Fermin ppp-usa