Concert King Martin Nievera wows the fans at the 22nd Phil-Am Expo
(Photo by Raul Balboa)
August 11-12 were fun days at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The occasion held was the 22nd Philippine-American Exposition. The affair was a festival celebrating the Filipino spirit, alive and definitely growing in this American environment.
Walking into the main entrance at South Hall G, a visitor is greeted by a multitude of friendly faces. Vendors manning their booths are happy to answer questions about their products and give away complimentary items like pens, key chains, etc. It is indeed a festive atmosphere with Filipinos from all over Southern California in attendance. There were all kinds of booths. The various remittance centers with their respective company colors looked like cheering teams advertising their promotions. Law Enforcement agencies from different counties looking for fresh recruits. Artists presented their creations for all to see. Delicious Filipino food was served on the west end of the hall.
The Exposition program kicked off with opening remarks from the emcee, followed by variety shows, which featured young talented Filipino singers and wonderful ethnic dance presentations showing colorful tribal costumes. It was a positive feeling walking the hall, stopping now and then, asking questions about different products. Meanwhile, in the background, you could hear and feel the energy coming from the live program. When tired, visitors would stop cruising and turn toward the stage and watch the show.
The Expo theme was “United in Respect and Love for God and Country”. Being Filipino-Americans is a blessing. We have the best of both worlds enjoying two different cultures, which manages to mix well together. There is no moral law, which states that we can only love one country. We cannot help but pay our respects to America for the positive life it has given us and also to the Philippines were most of us grew up and have fond memories of yester years. We, being Filipinos truly believe in God. Some of us may not go to church regularly but we do pray and thank the Lord for stuff that we have.
It would be unfair to mention some variety show performers name without mentioning everyone. It is accurate to say that Filipinos are world-class performers and on this stage and these days, proof of that was onstage. From the younger generation to the pros, it is apparent that Filipinos who have talent will not hesitate to share it with everyone.
I had the opportunity to chat with Glendale Arts and Culture Commissioner, Ms Zen Lopez. She would like talented Filipinos out there to contact her. It would be a shame if their God-given talents were put to waste by lack of confidence in their quality of work. Ms Lopez knows that Filipinos can compete and excel in the field of art. The spirit is that you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by stepping forward and showing what you can do.
Martin Nievera, the Concert King, performed both days. It’s amazing how a megastar like him can quickly fill up the hall. Filipinos young and old came to see him and marvel at his singing. Being handsome and talented, his songs transported the audience into a positive sense of being. Martin Nievera is more than a rock star since his talent is true and he can really connect with everyone young and old. Needless to say, the front stage was populated with female fans that just wanted to get close to him. Wish I were in his shoes.
Tri-Media group of companies where the people behind the 22nd Phil-Am Expo. This power group has under its umbrella The California Examiner publications, Radio Manila, San Diego Examiner, and Nevada Examiner. Headed by Oscar Jornacion who has been in the business for more than 30 years, his vision of uniting the Filipinos thru activities like this is well on its way. Ms Awee Abayari, project director and renowned radio telecaster, coordinated the program and inter acted-with the variety show performers for a smooth flow.
Going to the Exposition is so much better than staying home and watching television. The original plan was just to stay for a couple of hours but I ended up staying much longer than that. It is always a pleasure meeting up with old and new friends, speaking Taglish, and enjoying the ambiance of this environment. Leaving this occasion, I acquired phone numbers of new acquaintances and possible business connections here and in the Philippines. My advice to Filipinos in Southern California is to keep in touch with your roots. The Philippines will be a great country once more due to an intelligent nation that knows how to assimilate and thrive. Let us make a conscious decision to be a part of this evolution.
Mabuhay tayo!
Article by: John F. Lacson